How do I not get banned in BLC

VapeV4 VapeLite


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Vape user
Aug '20
you also have the grammar of a 12 year old Taiwanese marshemello selller on the side of a highway


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@EveryoneThinksImlegitLol sure i may be a disapointment but atleast i dont unironcally get mad at a guy getting mad at a in a block cheat forum

now kys u stupid nigga cotton picking faggot i need some wool to knit u faggot go pick me cotton you bloody twat get the fuck out of here u dumb ass nigga no one loves u i hope you slit you're wrists then stub you're toe on a lego then crawl around you're fucking kitchen at 3am in grusome pain and then you get you're head smashed into the damn ground by you're dad
Im not black but I still got a bigger dick. Nice one tho


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you can't use bac and play on bac servers and not get banned
you cant they detect injects
no client that is public and many private ones cannot inject to bac servers with bac on because its a clientside ac and almost a rootkit ac
Jesus!! Stop saying that something like this is not possible when you have no idea about it. Do you know GommeHD by any chance?
That's right! The biggest german server with one of the best anticheat partners and badlion partner at the same time. And since they also think that no injection on BAC would be possible, they have given the anticheat-bypass for these players to reduce false flags on "legit players".

Small info on the side: Gomme players with BAC (live= plays in the same time with the Badlion Client.. As soon as you come with another client, this will disappear directly and the bypass included) are displayed with a "tick" next to the name

Well, there you can see actual two videos of clients that were injected on BAC and hacked on gomme. (In one video even with FLY) :eek:ooo
