VAPE V2 Suggestions (Put a lot of effort into this)


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Here I am gonna list some suggestions of things the community wants and want I suggest to be added.

Misplacement:On ur screen ur everything normal but on their screen ur blatant this is for youtubers btw and it will make you feel cool xD @Ocureal wants this (and others)

Auto Click Options
1. Clicking sounds make a default clicking sound for when you auto-click or you can add your own sound file.(this idea is kinda dumb but didn't come up with this idea)
2.Make a slider for jittering basically for"legit you-tubers" who want to edit how much the screen jitters.

Rod Aimbot
This is an interesting one i saw in a forum post that actually sounds like a great idea. Basically when you toggle your rod macro the rod goes toward the player you are looking at. So if you're bad with a rod in build uhc it actually hits the player. If this ever got added there can be a max angle kinda like the agropearl settings.

Under the blatant options maybe add a no-fall or no void or fly hack. Basically in a video phase clan made he used scaffold and messed up and fell so a no void option should be made.

This one I don't really care about but some people in the community want more of these options so I thought why not add it in.

This sounds stupid I'm not good with naming things but basically what this is is when u have blocks in your hand you hold right click and it places 1-3 blocks at a time while running. For you "know it alls" I know vape has fast place but this is more of a legit version of it. When you jitter you can place 1-2 blocks and sometimes 3 so maybe you can have like a chance slider for when it hits 3 blocks.

Cave Finder

This was a forum post someone made I don't care if this is added. Basically I guess its a thing where you find caves.

Base Finder
self explanatory @Kyanite wants this

Killaura Blockhit
@2b023mf suggested this (great idea)

since the effect its client side it shouldn't be to much of a hassle

These are some suggestions of my own and some of the community please do not hate for me and the some of the communities opinions.



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Not really necessary to take everyone's ideas and put it in 1 thread. Manthe sees every suggestion thread. But you do you I guess.

1. Misplace- Hell no. This will literally ruin the game for everyone playing on a 1.7.10 pvp server.

2.Both of these are cringeworthy and redundant.

3.You can do that using vape's macros, what you're saying isn't an "aimbot" since it's throwing the rod at the player you're looking at.

4. No fall doesn't stop you from falling off into the void, but that's nice to have along with No void. But "fly" shouldn't get added. Just imagine queuing into a fight with someone using timer, killaura, and fly.

5.Not necessary, but nice to have as long as we get to pick the themes.

6. Suggested this back in October, I would actually use this module. Like there should be an option for the autoclicker to work with right clicking, but only on blocks. Because fastplace is pretty much useless.

7. Useful

8. Useful

9. Instead of that, a whole new module called "autoblock", maybe with noslowdown in the blatant tab.

10. Yes, this would be the most useful module out of them all.
thanks i didn't know manthe checked every suggestion also i agree the first few ideas shouldn't be added