Vape Lite Tracers


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First (1)
Can we get a color code for the tracers?

This way, in a massive 10v10 battle, I can tell who is my friend, and who is not.

Currently, the tracers are all the same colors for people I have as friends and for those who I do not.

Maybe add a second color option so we can pick what color the tracer will be for our friends, and which it will be for everyone else?

^ Suggestion 1 - I really do hope you add this one, as it is a huge quality of life change.

Second (2)

Can the color of the tracer change upon distance? If I am running, and don't have time to look back. Can the tracer change colors.

For example, if an enemy is far, the line can be green. The enemy pearls near you, so it becomes orange, and right next to you would be red.

Ignore my grammar, but I hope these changes can be added.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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Mar '18
I like this idea, but I would also like if it have another color for teammates.