pearl clutch

apollo X

New Member
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Vape user
Jun '23
how it works that if you have a pearl in bedwars or skywars and u get hit of the map the module will pick the best place too throw the pearl so u dont just die in the void and maybe u forget u have a pearl also u can do is if u have a pearl not in ur hotbar the module will just take the pearl and put it in a random slot or u can add custom and in the module u can selected what hotbar u want to put it on this can have delay this might also be good for vape lite for people that want to play in tournaments


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Vape user
Aug '22
how it works that if you have a pearl in bedwars or skywars and u get hit of the map the module will pick the best place too throw the pearl so u dont just die in the void and maybe u forget u have a pearl also u can do is if u have a pearl not in ur hotbar the module will just take the pearl and put it in a random slot or u can add custom and in the module u can selected what hotbar u want to put it on this can have delay this might also be good for vape lite for people that want to play in tournaments
please just learn how to play