Are these undetectable?


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if you wanna play on hypixel than i wont recommend hitbox even if its bypassing. Use autoclicker for 10 - 14 or 13 cause if u go above 15 cps than hypixel will cancel all ur hits (it wont if u got youtube rank lmao)

reach 3.2 is good (dont go above 4.2 or 4 block) on hypixel but servers like mineplex, hypixel and hive, 3.4 reach can bypass sometimes even more but other small servers may bypass but i recommend using 3.1 reach on other servers or NO reach hacks on practise server unless its faith ful or the cheatbreaker server or someshit. (Watch glory's video and spookay's video for good reach or general reach settings for practise pvp servers)
w tap ur taste
antibot: Advanced
Hitbox: nah


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On Hypixel, 3.2 is not detectable and you won't get banned. The autoclicker is fine, you shouldn't get banned. With AntiBot, turn it on advanced mode with the remove bots option ticked. I really suggest to not use hitboxes as it will most likely get you banned even if you put it very low. WTap will also be okay, so you're good dude. Just don't use hitboxes! It's not good!
i got banned once on hypixel. I was pretty blatant I was using 3.3 reach, right 20 cps and 9 - 13 left clicker + butterfly clicking on general and peaking 30 cps lmao. Hitbox like 1 or 0.6 or something lmao i forgot. antibot advanced.
Banned for a month "sad"