vapev4 configuration

  1. X

    Velocity verus settings

    Hi, can anyone tell me the best velocity settings for Verus?
  2. S


    Some config to legitkillaura in universocraft? + Reach config?
  3. M

    What exactly is 'WTap'?

    Yeah I don't know what it is and I can' find any info on it anywhere. Just if you can quickly tell me what it is.
  4. H

    ESP VapeV4

    Hi guys, does anyone know how to get an ESP that looks like this?
  5. JoeyJoestar

    I have been banned from two accounts

    My first account was banned by hypixel for 30 days after playing for two weeks. Then I adjusted the AC to 12~14cps and started playing my second account. After a few weeks, hypixel banned me again for 30 days. I enabled "AimAssist" "AutoClicker" "Reach" "WTap" "AntiBot" "HitBoxes" "Timer"...
  6. 虚空无城

    Reasonable vapeV4 configuration Please correct me if there is something wrong

    您好此配置合理吗?(✔使用Use不使用) 瞄准者 点击目标✔ 看不见✘ 通过块✘ 瞄准时瞄准✔ 流量增加✔ 检查区块中断✔ 垂直瞄准✔ 垂直速度(10) 水平速度(10) 最大角度(180) 距离(5.6) 极限物品 自动点击器 库存填充✘ ✘ 碎块✔ cps 13〜15 右夹模式✔ cps 13〜15 极限物品 极限物品 达到 范围3.2〜3.21 放错地方✘ 垂直检查✔ 仅在冲刺时✘ 在水中禁用✔ 冲刺(无需设置) 速度 水平80% 垂直100% 几率100% 只在拉货时✔ 水检查✔ 反组合 风筝模式✘ WTap 范围(3.2) 延迟(80〜230) 反机器人 高级✔...