
  1. L

    Why did NoJumpDelay got removed and will it return soon?

    Why did NoJumpDelay got removed and will it return soon?
  2. Z

    VapeV4 bug

    hello, i found 2 bug the first one is kill aura make ghost hiting on hypixel but the second one is weird because when i use keepsprint or nojumpdelay i start having lag and i get bounce in back when i hit somoene with it, (can you help me to get good config for velo tho pls idk how work ticks on...
  3. E

    No Jump Delay

    Wspp! No jump delay is bannable?
  4. stqrlit


    VapeV4 Make a toggleable option to not spam jump under a block; most people can easily spam jump manually for head hitters, but the module shines for normal running and maneuvering around blocks. If you just keep NoJumpDelay on, its pretty obvious if you start spam jumping while one stacking or...