
  1. M

    I think vape can add some features that bypass other anti-cheats, for example MATRIX,Vulcan or AAC

    对于vape 5.0的幻想,Vape是一个很好的客户端,可以提高玩家的PVP水平,但是在一些反作弊条件下,即使打开了安全,它仍然会被反作弊禁令,我要求vape V5.0版本或V6.0版本可以适应这些反作弊。我要求vape适应更高版本的客户端,以及一些新功能,例如绕过其他反作弊和所有取消插入,这可以使vape与lite一样提高隐身性,并避免在其他人申请跳棋时使用vape进行PVP。在ui方面,可以添加一些显示背包物品,这种UI,以提高视觉效果。可以向弓箭自瞄准添加新功能
  2. Yuzuki

    Is vape gud for blatant cheating on cubecraft? (Youtube purposes)

    So ppl msg me on discord and ask me to post vids about cubecraft. Is Vape good for cubecraft in blatant cheat? if so then gud settings? please help urgent.
  3. Yuzuki

    Kit PVP server allows hacking

    I m on the edge of planning on making a unique kit pvp server that is made for hackers. Maybe add in another modes such as bedwars or skywars? u think its a gud idea?