
  1. TongorZhao

    How to inject Vape in Forge Mod

    Prompt after I inject
  2. nobodyislegit


  3. H

    The Seraph Mod

    So I heard about a duels stat mod called, "Seraph", and was wondering if anyone knows about this mod, whether it is public or not, and if anyone can hmu with the discord server invite.
  4. YeetusFeetus

    Buying Vape Lite (THis is more towards staff)

    Im considering buying the vape lite version of vape but I really want to purchase a permanent one. Is there any way you guys can charge me a different price for permanant? I am willing to pay the money for it
  5. Z

    Can we please list our mods and version that doesnt crash with Vape V3

    Title says it all, please send screenshot of your mods and say the version and say if it crashes sometimes or not. This would be useful for pretty much every vape user.