
  1. Slammpiscool

    Is Fakelag on "Repel" safe to use on mmc? (will be using on main)

    if so, what settings should i use
  2. S

    with new hypixel anticheat can you use fake lag

    can you use fake lag legit on main (39ms) without getting banned and if so what settings
  3. S

    Could someone explain to me FakeLag and BackTrack?

    I mean I know what they do but not really how they work. What is the difference between "Transmission Offset" and "Delay" in FakeLag? And for BackTrack what does "Latency" change? And how does BackTrack work in conjunction with FakeLag? Also, how should I change these settings depending on my...
  4. H

    Fakelag Chance Setting

    Vape edition (Vape v4, Vape Lite, etc): Vape v4 Suggestion Description: Fakelag chance setting to fakelag dynamic module. Make it possible to select either when to lag or chance to lag. Would make fakelag alot less blatant and more closet and ghost friendly. Also would make it easier to bypass...
  5. J


    Hi everyone wanna try FakeLag/BackTrack as reach is patched by hypixel any suggested settings. My ping is 19-23ms im currently using these settings on my main AimAssist AutoClicker: 12.6-15.5 HitSelect: 20% Mode: Active Reach: 3.0-3.17 Chance 100% Velocity: 80-100...
  6. R

    Discussion on Delay

    Is the greater the delay, the harder it is for cheating behavior to be detected by anti cheating/customer service? What I mean is, does a large delay have a masking effect on cheating behavior? (Is this the function of using Fakelag?) Give an example. For example, on Hypixel, the config of...
  7. H

    Reach or Backtrack/Fakelag?

    I've heard recently people will use backtrack and fakelag together on closet cheating configs over using reach, but I'm not sure which would be less detectable. I'm usually on 70ms so what would be the better option? And what are the best settings on it to have no risk of getting banned?
  8. V

    Fake Lag Settings

    So right now, I'm on hypixel using 5 transmission offset with 200 delay. But I saw one guy using 10 offset with 2000 delay. Would that get me banned? I don't care if it's staff ban but will i get watch dog banned?