
  1. X

    crashing when loading

    https://gyazo.com/8195ca2a114e3b6e9830b34ba30ef0f3 Does anyone know why it crashed or just closes down whenever I try injecting it. I tried on lunar 1.8.9 and on labymod and on default Minecraft noting works. anyone know what to do?
  2. F

    Game Crash while starting

    I am a Vape lite user,use 1.8.9+Forge client. I have tried many times in order to inject the game but fail Does i need to install some specific version of JAVA for game start? I have confused for a whole night,help guys
  3. M

    Reach crashing my mc

    i've been using vape for quite a while and everything was fine, when i switched to forge my minecraft crashes when im hitting someone further than 3 blocks lmao. I crashed few times on hypixel already and its tilting. Any solution??
  4. L

    Minecraft crashes when I activate a cheat on cold network !

    When I'm on the "cold network" server I inject vape lite. everything is good so far but when I activate a cheat my game crashes giving me the error: "exit code -1073740791" It only happens to me when I launch on cold network otherwise all the other servers the vape works I have already done...
  5. nanteka

    How to inject Vape V4 / Lite | Into Lunar Client

    I've found many people having their lunar client crash when they're trying to inject so here is how to do so! 1- Open Vape before opening anything. 2- After that open lunar client, (preferably 1.8.9) 3- When you get into lunar, don't inject yet, go into video settings and activate fullscreen...