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  1. Slammpiscool

    FPS promblem (NOT VAPE RELATED)

    So, I used to own a rx6700 and got around 1.2k fps on mc, i got an rtx 3080 recently and my fps dropped to like 400 on singleplayer, and 200 on hypixel, my settings are optimized.
  2. Slammpiscool

    Why does my FPS drop ALOT when I inject vape

    I have own an rtx 3080 i see merryzz with an rtx 3050 getting 1200 fps with vape injected. Is there a setting in my minecraft or am i tripping.
  3. Slammpiscool

    Vape V4 w-tap settings (closet/safe) for hypixel

  4. Slammpiscool

    Fakelag settings for Hypixel? (30 ms)
