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  1. B

    change/reset ip

    literally google it...
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    change/reset ip

    Cloudflare dns (Cloudflare warp, just google it)
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    Keep crashing with badlion when injected

    Wrong literally on the second paragraph of their privacy policy. EDIT: they are literally lying in their privacy policy as well LMAO how can they possibly know whether or not someone is underage WITHOUT having to process their data to begin with? There i no checkbox when you install lunar...
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    Keep crashing with badlion when injected

    you can read their privacy policy... EDIT: you can read their privacy policy... if you're concerned, they need to have a place where you can ask to get all the info they have on you sent to your email. If they dont, or simply wont respond to your request then you know the company youre dealing...
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    Keep crashing with badlion when injected

    read their privacy policy. Clients make money in two ways - people buying cosmetics and them selling your data.
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    Keep crashing with badlion when injected

    you can literally use forge and download the mods you need instead of using clients that just steals your data and sells them to data brokers. Stop being lazy..
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    Keep crashing with badlion when injected

    most ghost clients, including vape, do not support third party clients officially. If they work, they work. If they dont, they dont.
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    Add a jump boost check to velocity

    bump, good suggestion
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    Nametags health display

    bump for visibility
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    it is possible auto farm crops?

    there are tons of stuff in vape that are non pvp related (e.g Autofish, PropHunt, MurdererFinder etc)
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    Minemen settings

    you dont get banned with those settings alone. Ive been using more blatant settings than that, both my accounts have been safe for weeks. you certainly had something else on that triggered the ban (whether its from vape or a mod, i dont know)
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    Is Freecam bannable on Hypixel

    it technically is bannable, but with their current approach I believe they would just kick you from the server if they found out you were using it (forge tells the server which mods are loaded, which how they can detect it - with vape's approach I dont believe this will ever be an issue)
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    Nametags health display

    yes you can but its inconvenient and too much thinking in high pressure situations, especially when you play legit or without nametags where it is something else. Its essentially like saying that you shouldn't use an autoclicker because clicking is simple.
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    Nametags health display

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    best cs2 external

    their external runs in usermode... personally i wouldn't trust it completely on my main, even though I know the dev is somewhat competent (he has made/cracked a shit ton of gamesense luas)
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    Nametags health display

    Vape edition: vape v4 Suggestion Description: On servers like hypixel, it is super helpful to have nametags health be displayed as HP (0-20) instead of health (0-10) which it is now, and there no option to change it. It would be a small but significant change, especially in gamemodes like mega...
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    Hypixel Nametags and Freelook

    For nametags it displays hearts and not HP which is VERY annoying especially on servers on hypixel. Ill make a suggestion about it now since it has been getting on my nerves too. EDIT: made a suggestion, comment & upvote if you think it should be added...
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    Badlion on vape?

    if 50 fps is signifcant while playing MC no optimization can help you, you simply need a better PC...
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    Badlion on vape?

    It's mulitple mods to replace. But since you need perfomance, all you literally need is optifine and patcher. Thats the only reason why you're getting good FPS with these clients, lmfao. you can find more here if you want, I can also give you...