Search results

  1. Amyzrc

    Suggestions for GUI

    Vape edition: vape v4 Suggestion Description: It is recommended to use the mouse scroll wheel to scroll up and down the entire GUI interface after opening it Video Reference:
  2. Amyzrc

    Questions about hitselect and fakelag

    Firstly, what is the difference between the two modes of hitselect? Secondly, what is the working principle of hitselect and in what ways can it be used? Then, what is the difference between latency and dynamic in fakelag, and what is the role of transmission offset in dynamic mode?
  3. Amyzrc

    Optimization suggestions for injecting vape

    I suggest optimizing the FPS after injecting vape into the game. For example, my FPS is 400 before injecting vape, but it will decrease slightly after injection, but there is no difference. However, when I add a shaderpack after injecting vape, my FPS will decrease to around 30. If I do not...
  4. Amyzrc

    Ask about how to configure vape

    How to set up vape to achieve a good gaming experience and not be detected in a short period of time on servers using Grim?Also, I would like to ask if I usually bind Silentaura and Fakelag together on Grim servers. Will this result in me being quickly banned?
  5. Amyzrc

    A question

    Is there a website that can infinitely obtain randomly generated xgp or something like that?Can we only buy xgp on the official website and then refund ourselves to continuously obtain xgp?
  6. Amyzrc

    Seek help

    How to view anti cheating used by servers?
  7. Amyzrc

    Suggestions for vape

    I think vape v4 should be done more covertly.Some servers have added anti injection plugins, which can cause crashes when injecting vape v4.If v4 can weaken the injection trace during injection, so as not to cause terminal collapse due to anti injection detection, then v4 will become better.
  8. Amyzrc

