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  1. Q

    Adaptive Problem of Vape on 4k Screen.

    也许我们中的许多人已经注意到了这个问题,但仍然没有解决它。我们可以使用正常的 4x 8x 自动模式(如我的世界)调整显示尺寸吗?
  2. Q

    Adaptive Problem of Vape on 4k Screen.

    By the way, some widgets don't work on 4k screens, such as Clickgui, Moudle List, Map :(
  3. Q

    Adaptive Problem of Vape on 4k Screen.

    There seem to be some issues with the adaptability of Vape. I used a huge display mode, but it was very small on my 4k screen. I hope that Vape will be updated to support 4k (or adaptive mode just like HTML,, or like liquid rebound, users can use the mouse wheel to adjust)don't be afraid of...
  4. Q

    hi... thats right you really can say chinese?

    hi... thats right you really can say chinese?