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  1. F

    Can V4 inject into astolfo and if so how?

    I just want to inject for some of vapes features on astolfo is it possible?
  2. F

    Add a nick hider

    That is all - if there alr is one and i'm just stupid can someone lmn
  3. F

    Hypixel Pit Legit aura bypassing?

    Does Legit aura bypass and if so should I be using that on pit? I know it doesn't bypass other stuffs but I heard that pit anti-cheat wasn't updated in a while so...
  4. F

    Lunar block hit animations

    HOW DO I GET THESE ON FORGE, also meowmeow assuming you see this as you read everything in forums can you send me a link to that mod that slows the animation down looks really satisfying?