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  1. M

    1.16+ Settings/config

    do you have any recomended settings for reach/ aimasist that look legit?
  2. M

    Best setting for a 1.16.4 server using 1.8 pvp (not allowed to screen share)

    what is speed on slider, i have v4 so maybe its vape lite only
  3. M

    Best setting for a 1.16.4 server using 1.8 pvp (not allowed to screen share)

    im pretty sure the server has no / a very bad anti cheat i just want legit cheat settings?
  4. M

    Best kinda legit settings with reach and aimasist

    btw i have 100 ping ish
  5. M

    Best setting for a 1.16.4 server using 1.8 pvp (not allowed to screen share)

    What are the best settings for a 1.16 server using 1.8 pvp and there not even allowed to screenshare and can only ban on proof, i still want to be legit looking, i need settings for auto clicker, reach, aimasist and maybe velocity
  6. M

    Best kinda legit settings with reach and aimasist

    Can anyone give me a config for a server (the server isnt allowed to screen share and you can only get banned on video proof) i need a good legit config i want to use reach auto clicker and aimasist and maybe velocity please help me
  7. M

    crashing with vape lite on 1.16.5 forge

    when ever i use reach, aim asist and autoclicked on 1.16.5 forge i crash after some time. does anyone know what to do? the mods i have installed are foxelmap, horse stats and betterhurtimer.
  8. M

    What are the best legit settings?

    What settings for reach and aimasist are the best to look legit on a server with a not so good anticheat (only reason you get banned is of video proof)
  9. M

    1.8pvp on 1.16

    Does vape lite work on 1.16 with server that use 1.8pvp? does it still work?