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    Add Fireballs to Trajectories

    Add fireballs to trajectories where you can see where they are going to land
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    Vape V4 ghost config for hypixel bedwars

    What config should i use for bedwars?
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    Freecam Hypixel

    Is there a way that Hypixel can detect free cam, or is it safe to use?
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    Reach Hypixel

    What reach should I use on Hypixel in order to not get banned?
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    Fast Place Hypixel

    Will I get banned by staff or watchdog by using fast place 0?
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    Aim Assist

    Will I get banned on Hypixel for using 8 horizontal speed by staff or watchdog
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    Hypixel Aim Assist/Reach

    What horizontal speed should I use on Hypixel? Also, can I use reach and hitboxes at the same time, or should I only use one or the other?
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    Hypixel Skywars

    Will I get banned for using these settings on Hypixel Skywars: AntiBot Advanced AimAssist - Aim vertically off, Horizontal speed 4.2, max angle 67, distance 4.2 AutoClicker - Hold to click on, CPS 16 - 18.7, extra randomization on Reach - 3.0 - 3.2 RightClicker - CPS 16 -18.3