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  1. Q

    Vape Lite

    Does Vape Lite still bypass screenshares? Like does it bypass tools such as Golden etc?
  2. Q

    Viper New Anticheat?

    Does anyone know if reach / velocity or anything bypasses? There's a huge amount of cheaters in ranked Current only using autoclicker and getting railed atm
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    Useful for factions servers with mcmmo.
  4. Q

    Command Macros for Vape v3

    So in vape V2 there was the ability to add commands for macros. This isn't in V3.
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    Vape V2 Macros Suggestion

    So I've recently noticed that macros are global across all profiles, and I thought that it would work better if they were divided into the synced settings into each profiles.
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    Vape V3 Suggestions

    I am completely aware that V3 is in a beta in it's current state. Autoclicker - Inventory fill option Nametags original health display Middleclick friend option Default Ctrl + Home self destruct, for those who don't bind it
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    Suggestion for people using Vape Lite

    So this isn't a suggestion about the client, but more a suggestion to people who use Vape Lite, to not get caught. Some servers are beginning to check your explorer.exe strings for the Vape Lite .exe names. They search all the names, and if anything comes up, they restart your explorer.exe. If...
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    Viper // HWID

    So recently shitty HCF servers such as Viper are banning for having your HWID on the vape database. They use the latest BLSquad and copy your HWID, checking strings on the vape database. This tool: changes your HWID. This means that if they run this...
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    Just wanted to let everyone know that Faithful have updated their anti-cheat and implented reach checks. I have tested this on multiple accounts. Those of you who enjoy using 4-5 block might wanna tone it down a bit now lol.