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  1. J

    Vape Lite

    How do I unsub from Vape Lite.
  2. J


    You mean take over an hour to download Forge Mods for all of that, That takes another 2 hours to find them make sure they are 1.8.9 Not Rats and set it up. Unless there is something im just missing here. Cause pretty sure it does not already come with all of that and should.
  3. J


    Make vape its own client or at least make it have better options for FPS. Cause mine are usually around 200 and with Vape its only around 50. I would also like more HUD options maybe a Minimap, Diffrent Crosshair tells you direction ping, Armor Hud, Potion stats hud, CPS.
  4. J

    Vape V3 - bug report = reward

    Is Vape only able to work on Forge mc? Or can it work on say something like Cosmic Client or the Badlion Client? Because I like the hud displays some of them have and it would be useful when pvping.
  5. J

    Cant log in

    I can log into the forums, But on the main page I can't login