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  1. M

    reborn but kinda unstrusthworty cuz exitscam and dort but no stock rn
  2. M

    What should I say when I get told a tricky question about how where I am and the level I'm at.

    If you're really worried bout that, just get a random account with good stats and tell him that's your acc. But you can't play rn bc Microsoft locked it for sus activity.
  3. M

    What should I say when I get told a tricky question about how where I am and the level I'm at.

    What even does it matter, they can't get you banned with that …
  4. M

    Rise help

    Like depends vape literally doesnt have blatant bypasses / blatant bypasses that an 5 year old could have coded. But exeption is ka vape has an insane ka but ye like I said really depends. Vape wont have an 15 bps speed yk
  5. M

    Aim Assistant: Track one enemy

    alrdy exists ... like meowmeow said "yaw" focuses on the entity thats nearest to your crosshair
  6. M

    Settings for my main account

    I got banned... only vape... and no I wasnt blatant
  7. M

    Settings for my main account

    1. Turn hitboxes completely off if your planning on not getting banned. 2. Your velocity your gonna get banned quick. So first I just wanna say hypixel seems to have added new closet checks so I would reccomend completely turning it off. If you wanna try it out you can keep it on with 90%h...
  8. M

    main settings (800 star)

    tbh no hypixel add velo checks or sum: New acc nothing toggled but 92%h velo and 3.1-3.2 reach nothing else + additional bans [1242✫] [MVP++] snocy was banned (2 hours ago) [1154✫] [MVP++] ADIOWNSME was banned (2 hours ago) [1209✫] [MVP++] showabandpoorbo was banned (4 hours ago) [930✫] [MVP++]...
  9. M

    main settings (800 star)

    especially on the banwave a few days ago (10.25.2022) and even after that high stars such as "ohDevil" got banned (for those who dont know hes and almost 1.8k star)
  10. M

    are these safe to use without getting banned?????

    even you wont get banned for it I wouldnt use scaffold that low since itll make other players suspicouse and massreports are never good but your good to go overall also scaffold sorta depends on your star with how many reports your getting from it
  11. M

    Can you get banned for ESP?

    Got hit by da banwave. RIP shouldnt have used 4.2block killaura XDDD
  12. M

    Name revealer

    its possible but other methodes would still be things like uuid based searching as seen in stuff like lillith i think
  13. M

    Main Acc Settings

    so dont listen to people on here other than inco dog and a few others but if your not planning on getting banned with that ping use like 3.1- 3.2 / 3.0 -3.3 and .05 hitbox 99% safe unless your retarded. DONT FUCKING CONSTA USE 3.6 REACH YOULL GET BANNED with that low ping
  14. M

    Can you get banned for ESP?

    i never got banned for esp n shit even if killaured em in air while invis
  15. M

    Keep getting teleported to the void

    why tf would you use no rotate ?????
  16. M

    Can you get banned for ESP?

    still doesnt really matter you wont get banned for it since 1. you could have seen particles 2. like the others said they cant prove you cheat and staff only bans if they are 100% sure you cheat
  17. M

    Vape v4

    Yes vapev4 also reduces fps i personally drop without any modules from 700 -> 400 fps
  18. M

    Got banned with this settings

    Overall i've probably noticed 100+ ppl with aimbot yes you can see it
  19. M

    Housing have anticheat disabled?

    housing doesnt have an anticheat
  20. M

    Got banned with this settings

    its is noticable if you have more than 1 fights with that person / watch the replay