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  1. V

    misplace on blc

    hey i just had a question, does misplace work on blc?
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    in need of aim assist settings

    u guys got aim assist settings for recording also does misplace work on blc
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    Why is Antibot not on Vape Lite

    There are a few servers out there like hypixel, and syuu (asian server that gets like 200 ish players), and they still use bots that go around your head (like watchdog), and it's very annoying when you lock onto the bot and not the player
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    Timer On Hypixel

    now that speed is patched on vape on hypixel, does timer bypass?
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    Question about Vape Lite

    does vape lite actually work on cheatbreaker and badlion client??
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    Criticals On HYpixel

    i'm trynna use more "blatant" modules on hypixel. I wanted to use criticals as they sound extremely op, would they bypass 100% on the hypixel mode??? (i have a main acc trhat would go for 100s.) i want more well known and experienced member's advice.
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    [Guide] Using vape for blatant client needs

    can i use keepsprint on my main and be safe?
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    KeepSprint on hypixel?

    would it bypass, v2 or v3 any one of them,
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    How to Unbind

    I tried doing bind aimassist none, but it said that Key not found
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    How to Unbind

    How do you Unbind keys? I binded AimAssist to G and i don't want it binded anymore, so how do you disable the bind?
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    Does fly works on hypixel?

    i tried it yesterday it bypasses i played for 3 hours no ban with fly
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    i fixed it. previously i had 10 giggs of ram and was getting 40 fps, now that i use 4, i get like 200
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    i dont cheat on other games but like yeah vape makes my fps way less
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    my fps is so bad when i use v3, and on fortnite i get 100 fps on all high settings, with v3, i get 50 fps, anyone know why, and on v2i gte 200 (i dont wanna use that tho)
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    ik wouldnt do it on the first place
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    could u link me a spoofer? i have one but it says not on target soo
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    1) what exactly does misplace do? 2) why is it so buggy on hypixel? 3) does it bypass reach display mod? 4) what are the best recording settings while using misplace (with reach display mod) thanks x