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  1. M

    Thoughts on reach

    Hi, When using small reach advantages I sure enough get a boost in my reach, but when using 6 block it is no different from the smaller boost using lower settings. My thoughts on this is that you cannot get more reach than what the server allows for, but by using the reach module you send the...
  2. M

    Hypixel Anti-cheat

    So, I was banned as I stupidly had to try PotionSaver lol I logged onto another full access and I got banned for account security, I guess they banned my IP in 1st ban? Would I be safe logging into my main or should I reset my IP (restart the router/modem)?
  3. M

    AutoClicker whitelist/blacklist system

    I think blacklist would be better suited, as I would like to use AutoClicker for right clicking with everything except for a bow really. Otherwise, you would have to add hand/nothing.
  4. M

    Chams not working

    Chams are working fine as long as you do not tick colored when behind a wall. I can see people behind walls with it unticked, but with the color it is not working at all.
  5. M

    NoRotate usage

    Is NoRotate useful for AutoClicker and AimAssist, or just Killaura? For "silent/legit" Killaura or blatant?
  6. M

    Text GUI location

    Make it an option to change the location of the Text GUI, to be the corner to the right, instead of having to put the Text GUI module as far as out of the window, to have it not be more down. Instead of this:
  7. M

    NoRotate explanation

    What does NoRotate do? It is not like NoHurtcam, right?
  8. M

    Reach settings for recording?

    Usually, I would go 3.0-3.1 reach, only while sprinting. However, since I started recording I have simply not been using reach, due to the reach and the reach value of my reach showing mod. I could just enable misplace, however, I have heard that there are a few bugs about it, which I obviously...
  9. M

    Text GUI option saved in profiles

    Let's say I am cheating and I suddenly meet another more blatant hacker and instead of just dying, I want to record him. Then I hit my keybind to my recording profile, but the Text GUI is still there. If the state of Text GUI could be saved in profiles it would be awesome.
  10. M

    Keybind/macro error

    Keybind for another module on m4 actives macro bound to m5 while autoclicking. I know this issue has already been addressed, but just wanted to let you know that it was not just one user who experienced this bug.
  11. M

    InventoryCleaner question

    How come "keep best items" keep a half-broken stone axe AND an iron axe with infinity 1? Does the enhancement mess up the detection of which is the best? EDIT: Sharpness 1 iron axe vs stone axe also becomes a draw.
  12. M

    ChestStealer and InventoryCleaner improvements

    If you could add more customizability to both, like ChestStealer using a whitelist and blacklist like the InventoryCleaner, and if InventoryCleaner could check enhancements as well. I know this would probably be a lot of work, but maybe you could just make it check fire aspect and sharpness...
  13. M

    InventoryCleaner glitch

    Keep best (which says also bow), does not keep any bows. EDIT: Sometimes it keeps my bow, sometimes it does not. I have whitelisted x1 fishing rod, sometimes it keeps it, sometimes it does not.
  14. M

    InventoryCleaner glitching

    Still really glitchy. Bow and axe it will not always keep even though it is set to keep best (I know axe is not a part of this). Sometimes it keeps best axe and bow, sometimes it does not. Whitelist may still be bugging, have not tested it out since last though.
  15. M

    KillAura max angle not working

    Hey, if I have a max angle of 1, I can only hit if I aim directly at the centre of the entity, which is fine. If I have the max angle set to 13, which is pretty much the same hitbox size as regular hits, then I can literally look almost directly up into the sky and still hit the target. It seems...
  16. M

    Profile loading

    Load profiles as usual and then enable saved modules (so you do not have to rshift, shift + rightclick). This would be very nice in fights vs a hacker.
  17. M

    Console/CMD or likewise

    A feature to set precise values for modules. If I have a "legit" profile, a moderately legit profile and a blatant one, and I want to scale two values so they are in a 3:1 ratio, I always get really ugly and uneven numbers, which bothers my self-claimed OCD :) A console/CMD or being able to...
  18. M

    [Error] Reach with vertical check

    If I hop in a SP world with two accounts and I make sure to be on the exact same y-level, turn the reach up to 5.9-6.0 with vertical check, I cannot hit outside 3 blocks. If I disable vertical check, I can hit up to 5.9-6.0 as it should.
  19. M

    Inventory cleaner

    Error, whitelist x stacks does not work. Case 1: Some items it will do nothing about, e.g., save 5 stacks of stone out of 9, it does nothing. This also happens with bows. Case 2: Some items it will keep just 1 of, e.g., stone swords, save 5 stacks out of 9, but keeps just one. Case 3: If I...
  20. M


    Does not account for enhancements. Case 1: I had protection 1 leather leggings, gold leggings and chainmail leggings. It chooses protection 1 leather leggings, even though the two other ones are better. Case 2: I had a leather, gold and iron chest plate. It was switching between leather and...