Search results

  1. V

    is vape really worth it?

    it's decent but overpriced, not worth $35 imo
  2. V

    Safe to use NoHitDelay on Hypixel on main?

    it is not allowed 😐
  3. V

    zonecraft settings?

    dont use vertical velo ig
  4. V

    Got banned with this settings

    no way you got banned with these settings
  5. V

    help vape v4

    skill issue (use the search bar if you can't find a module)
  6. V

    What is the best Vape Lite settings on

    dont use reach if you want to not flag, if you dont care about getting flagged use 3.0-4.0 and try to not hit on large distances a lot. edit: info might be old, not sure about the state of the anticheat rn
  7. V

    Xray on Vape

    Xray does not work on lunar, use forge or use Search module to highlight blocks that you chose
  8. V

    Target Info Winning / Losing

    Yes, its basically every blatant client
  9. V

    I'm back baby

  10. V

    What JREs does vape inject in

    Supported versions are Vape V4: 1.7.10 Forge 1.8.9 Forge + Vanilla 1.12.2 Forge Vape Lite: 1.7.10 Forge + Vanilla 1.8 Forge 1.8.9 Forge + Vanilla 1.9.4 Forge 1.10.x Forge 1.11.x Forge 1.12.x Forge 1.14.4 Forge + Vanilla and probably 1.16.5 but I'm not sure If you want to inject vape into...