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  1. K

    I need help

    i've also encountered the same situation im using 1.16.5 forge w/o any mods added when i inject the client crashes(This sentence is from ChatGPT, so it looks a bit strange)
  2. K

    BLC vape injection

    Bro, you can try turning off the BAC in Badlion, which will make it fail to inject Vape.
  3. K

    我在hypixel里被封了30day TAT

    Yes, this is a very problematic issue. Using HitBoxs in Hypixel is crazy because Hypixel has very strict detection for HitBoxs. Although the detection for reach in Hypixel may not be as strict, if you use it recklessly in front of staff members (such as what you mentioned with 3.5), you will get...
  4. K

    我在hypixel里被封了30day TAT

  5. K

    vape 太厉害了

  6. K

    vape 太厉害了

  7. K

    vape 太厉害了

  8. K

    How to use vapelite in 1.18.2 ???

  9. K

    please help me

    qq is a chat software like your discord, except it's in China
  10. K

    VAPE LITE在中国地区晚上或者有时注入不进去

    sorry我没有认真的审题,如果你发现了这样的问题你应该去询问其他中国使用者,并且尝试挂vpn 关闭杀毒软件 关闭防火墙 甚至 ummmmm 换电脑 如果你发现了有1-2个和你问题相似的使用者,那么你可以发一份邮件来寻求帮助😝
  11. K

    VAPE LITE在中国地区晚上或者有时注入不进去

  12. K

    please help me

    诸位能不能添加我的qq,当交流用来。 3011294878
  13. K

    please help me

    nice 我也可以正常注入了
  14. K

    please help me

  15. K

    please help me

    fuck qswl 我还是进入不了
  16. K

    please help me

  17. K

    please help me

    oh shit,我正是一名小学生,这个学期就要上初中了
  18. K

    please help me

    bro w r u from
  19. K

    please help me

    ummm We feel like it's because of our country's poop-like laws
  20. K

    please help me
