Search results

  1. crcy

    vape version history

    man said historical whilst naming recent versions. if u want v2 and v3 go to and scroll down
  2. crcy

    blockhit option

    does this bypass good anticheats? the blockhit option on autoclicker in automatic mode
  3. crcy

    imagine cheating on mmc lool

    imagine cheating on mmc lool
  4. crcy

    Lite crashing lunar client

    ty ill try that
  5. crcy

    Lite crashing lunar client

    cap. also i swear u cheat on mmc loool
  6. crcy

    Lite crashing lunar client

    Vape lite crashes my lunar 1.7.10 i tried reinstalling everythign and still nothign
  7. crcy

    Does lite inject into 1.7 lunar?

  8. crcy

    Does lite inject into 1.7 lunar?

    Ik ik “vape doesnt support lunar” but does it inject?
  9. crcy

    I need help!!!

    my vape isnt even working on forge rn using the lastest vape version
  10. crcy

    I need help!!!

    Nakoso LMAO
  11. crcy


    I am a retard
  12. crcy


    (Redacted because of how retarded i am)
  13. crcy

    Setting For Hypixel Advice

    Hypixel doesnt really have an autoclicker check, you are fine