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  1. L

    Injecting V4 to lunar

    Thank you it works.
  2. L

    Injecting V4 to lunar

    Can you tell me how?
  3. L

    Injecting V4 to lunar

    Is it possible to inject v4 to lunar client with fullscreen?
  4. L

    Got banned in my first screenshare using vape lite - what did I do wrong?

    You should change the name of the vape to something that is not obvious like steamsetup javasetup etc.
  5. L

    Vape v4 1.16.5/1.17.1

    1.9+ pvp doesn't needs ac but still that would be cool
  6. L

    should i be worried about hypixel ac now in duels

    3.2 never flags lmao but 80 velo is risky still not flags
  7. L

    1.12.2 vape v4

    I fixed it already thanks for yout help tho
  8. L

    1.12.2 vape v4

    how am i gonna fix this problem, i did try to use minecraft forge but still not works
  9. L

    should i be worried about hypixel ac now in duels

    I don't know about velo but that is an ultimate cap bro 3.5 flags
  10. L

    which one are you

    it seems like she is underage :/
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    Can you make a free version of Vape Products

    you have weak sperm my man
  12. L

    Vape V4 Cubecraft closet settings

    So I'm planning to play on a server called cubecraft which is 1.9+ version, is there a closet settings for that server?
  13. L

    Can you make a free version of Vape Products

    yooooo I live in Turkey too but yeah they said that in the comments too you can get it with giveaways for free only
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    Forge Blatant Client

    Wurst client
  15. L

    bonzi clicker vanished lmfao

  16. L

    i just got banned for a year for 3.2 reach

    I have 200 ms in hypixel would I get banned for using w-tap? or what settings should I use for w-tap
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    hypixel fastplace

    tysm, have a great day!
  18. L

    hypixel fastplace

    Is 1 delay good on hypixel for not getting banned?
  19. L

    Give me legit killaura pit settings im not tryna get raped by watchdog

    la settings are good but the reach is too high make it 3.2-3.3
  20. L

    Minemen or lunar (CAST YOUR VOTE) (5 likes)

    Minemen is better because more players and more modes to play