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  1. DaBlyat

    MantheClicker hotbar

    Hey, can somebody help me to parameter Hotbar slot whitelist ? I don't understand how to calibrate.
  2. DaBlyat

    [Lite] BLC Issue

    Hey ! I have a problem, when i inject lite on BLC (i tested in 1.7.10 and 1.8.9), the loading of vape stopped 11/15 so i can't use Autoclick on BLC please help me :((((((((((
  3. DaBlyat

    Lite - Bugs Reported

    - 1.10.2 -> Misplace -> sometimes, the hit are not taken (no particles) -> AutoClicker -> CPS drops often out of our cps range config, for exemple, i put 12-13 cps, it drop out to 9 many times and still at 11cps
  4. DaBlyat

    Lite - Features To Add (+10)

    Global : Possibilty to bound module on Mouse Buttons like M1 M2 M3 M4 ... Possibility to share our profiles or download some of it and leave a like or dislike like on v3 Add a Legit Scaffold for bridging (Hypixel bedwars, funcraft rush...) with multiples types of bridging like...
  5. DaBlyat

    [Funcraft] Legit RUSH Settings -> MDT & Record

    Bonjour à tous ! Voilà des petits settings que j'ai trouvé et testé en mdt contre différentes teams comme la Chroma mdr lol ou encore la Ethical :) ! Alors passons de suite aux settings sans plus attendre !! Reach : /!\ Si vous n'activez pas le misplace je vous conseille de bind une touche...
  6. DaBlyat

    When is vape v2/v3 coming in 1.9 or 1.10 ?

    Need vape v3 for some servers and i'm waiting since a long time sooooooooooooo idk lol
  7. DaBlyat

    [Request] Macro Settings

    Hi guys, i'm a Funcraft player (French Rush server) and i want to make a macro for sandstone_smooth jittering (like 11-13 cps) but i don't understand how to make it. Could you help me ?