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  1. DaBlyat

    Bypass Pactify Launcher 1.9.4

    Un autoclick n'est pas un bypass
  2. DaBlyat

    Bypass Pactify launcher with vaper lite

    Announced by an Admin in a FAQ. It could be really good for community to play with Vape Lite on Pactify and could make a lot of money for Vape.
  3. DaBlyat

    Bypass Pactify launcher with vaper lite

    Pactify is really becoming famous right now, +80k players in 1 months and many +100k YT on it.
  4. DaBlyat

    Change-logs of Manthe Clicker

    Ptdr "communauté vape", c'est une comme en lien avec le niquage du jeu c'tout
  5. DaBlyat

    MantheClicker hotbar

    T'es un fr ? Et ouais j'ai trouvé comment ça marchais.
  6. DaBlyat

    Change-logs of Manthe Clicker

    mdr wsh tflk la sale cancer
  7. DaBlyat

    Fastplace in Vape Lite!

    Completely useless, lite have an autoclicker for right click with an item whitelist. And now MantheClicker too.
  8. DaBlyat

    MantheClicker hotbar

    I wanted to make it on Pactify Launcher, does it works on blc ?
  9. DaBlyat

    MantheClicker hotbar

    Hey, can somebody help me to parameter Hotbar slot whitelist ? I don't understand how to calibrate.
  10. DaBlyat

    Mantheclicker showcase.

    Does it uses forge ?
  11. DaBlyat


  12. DaBlyat

    [Lite] BLC Issue

    Hey ! I have a problem, when i inject lite on BLC (i tested in 1.7.10 and 1.8.9), the loading of vape stopped 11/15 so i can't use Autoclick on BLC please help me :((((((((((
  13. DaBlyat

    Vape Lite work on BLC 1.12.2 ?

    normally it will works
  14. DaBlyat

    Lite - Features To Add (+10)

    Or config manually the velocity for the hits ! Personally and for the players of thoses gamemodes, we know that it could be very useful, i don't want to use vape v3 because i get oftenly ss by players or staff members.
  15. DaBlyat

    Lite - Features To Add (+10)

    Personaly, i don't really play oftenly on hypixel because i don't like 1.8. I use scaffold in 1.7 in hcf sometimes with v3 but it is a blatant module, it could be good on lite with legit settings. I know it was created to be undetectable and i want it to be... I really spend my time on...
  16. DaBlyat

    Lite - Features To Add (+10)

    True for practice, but for other gamemodes ? Rush (kb 1 sword lol)
  17. DaBlyat

    Lite - Bugs Reported

    - 1.10.2 -> Misplace -> sometimes, the hit are not taken (no particles) -> AutoClicker -> CPS drops often out of our cps range config, for exemple, i put 12-13 cps, it drop out to 9 many times and still at 11cps
  18. DaBlyat

    Lite - Features To Add (+10)

    Global : Possibilty to bound module on Mouse Buttons like M1 M2 M3 M4 ... Possibility to share our profiles or download some of it and leave a like or dislike like on v3 Add a Legit Scaffold for bridging (Hypixel bedwars, funcraft rush...) with multiples types of bridging like...
  19. DaBlyat

    Meilleur Settings Vape Lite (2.11.1) Pour Funcraft (aka FunCheat)

    De type snowz batop ou un truc du genre