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  1. C

    Archon settings

    Okay I will try these thank you
  2. C

    Archon settings

    Anyone know how good the Archons anti cheat is or good undetectable settings for vape lite on it
  3. C

    Are my reach settings safe for rsw?

    Yeah u can turn up to 3.2 if u would like too until you get to like 2k rating then turn down to 3.1
  4. C

    rsw velocity

    For gold div you’ll probably be fine but once you got diamonds div I’d prolly turn to 90 100 100 to be safe
  5. C


    fine for rsw too?
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    Best legit scaffold settings vape lite?
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    Ranked skywars

    legit I can get like 1200 rating and then with using 3.2 reach and ac and all that can still only get to like 1300. What’s a good strat and best kit for ranked using vape
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    Aim Assist

    can u just give me like what u use or something because I got no clue where to even start
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    Aim Assist

    When people ask questions about settings everyone always says any aa but I have never used it before and have no idea how to use it so can somebody give me a good aim assist settings to use for ranked skywars and hypixel for vape lite
  10. C ultra legit config (main acc)

    Think he’s talking about the server, lunar client used to have an anti cheat inside it but removed it a while ago
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    Hypixel Main Account Settings - 150 ms

    i feel 16-20 might get u banned would it not?
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    Hypixel AutoClicker

    idk i just feel blatant block hitting like 16 cps with the ac
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    Hypixel AutoClicker

    I have been playing ranked skywars and have just been using 3.10 reach and 95 100 100 velo on my main which from looking at other forum posts seems to be completely safe but I am just wondering if using 14-19 auto clicker with extra randomization, blockhit, break blocks and item white list is...
  14. C

    Hypixel undetectable?

    I am pretty new to using vape lite and want to try and play on my main on hypxiel, I just wanna make sure these settings arnt going to ever get me banned. Reach 3.00 - 3.10 Velocity 90 100 100 Autoclicker 8-13 breaks blocks and blockhit