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    Need Closet settings for hypixel pit

    ye prolly
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    Need Closet settings for hypixel pit These still are fine
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    or yk just have it actually bypass
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    [POLL] What is your hypixel max reach?

    I usually use 3.3 for most things, but I toggle 3.4 legit aura in pit and other games Hypickel doesn't care about (25ms ping lol)
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    reach on hypixel

    it is, people are just retarded on these forums Only here do people say there is a reach cap less than 4.2. Nowhere have I seen people talk about new "3.7" or "3.5" Hypixel reach caps. Every Hypixel config in every blatant client I have used has had a reach set to 4.0-4.2. I have literally seen...
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    best pit settings for hypixel? Use outskirt streaking settings :)
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    Vape v4 Blatant Features

    Facts, with every anticheat update v4 turns less and less of a hybrid client and more of a just a ghost client...
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    Would 0.1 hitboxes

    Prolly not but there is still a chance, I wouldn't risk using more blatant modules in duels unless you're playing sumo
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    [COMPLETE GUIDE] Hypixel Detections

    This is something I have noticed too, even after providing literal solid video evidence of something not dogging, some forum users made up some excuse that it did to try and fuel their massive dick ego. Also, NoSlowdown flags hard, unless they reverted some change since late August 2021 (the...
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    Archon settings

    pretty sure it's verus
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    Best Blatant Hypixel config:

    Attack range is wayyyy too high, antifall doesn't bypass anymore
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    Hypixel Bhop

    I do not see anything about speed or any blatant modules in the changelog, although I may just be blind
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    Don't main it all the time. Highest you can go is 1.07 if you do want to main it all the time, still extremely risky in any gamemode other than pit or mega walls.
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    Full Vape V4 Hypixel Pit Settings Guide (UPDATED FOR 2022)

    Generally in most other forums it's not considered "necroposting" if the topic still requires discussion/is useful. Only here have I found it different, kinda strange ngl
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    Hypixel Semi-Blatant

    It's blatant but to your average hypixel player they won't notice, for example I bhopped and scaffolded on a young hypixel streamer and it took him a solid 15 minutes of gameplay to realize that I was cheating
  16. F setting Semi

    Oh interesting guess they were unblocked then strange
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    Hypixel Semi-Blatant

    Just use like 3.5 block KA with legit aura and 60% velo or something should last you a few weeks
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    They very recently added it back, and where did you hear invaded got unblocked, nothing on their forums says they were. Also if you're on a separate client other than the Minecraft launcher or lunar it won't give the error and will still let you join.
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    It does, it just doesn't tell you that's it's blocked, it gives an error
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    What are the most blatant, velocity, and kill aura settings I can use without watchdog ban?

    Noslow flags hard and nofall doesn't bypass I don't think