Search results

  1. zhurp

    Vape lite lunar 1.16

    Vape Lite only injects into 1.7.10 and 1.8.9
  2. zhurp

    Vape V2 Not WORK help me :( !

    why are you using v2
  3. zhurp

    How can i get partner with vape? and ask how to make an application. ;)
  4. zhurp

    should i deleted my forums account?

    You can try deleting this browser and get a new one like (Microsoft Edge or Brave), i also don't think that an account on the forums of vape is any punishable. I only think that it is punishable if you actually HAVE vape.
  5. zhurp

    badlion crash inject

    Re-install Badlion Client
  6. zhurp

    inv walk issue

    Delete the .minecraft file and start minecraft again and try injecting.
  7. zhurp


    No one cares, don't make a thread for advertisements please.
  8. zhurp

    Add vape v3's hypixel fly to vape v4

    Agree, they may should add a version were you can switch your fly to an other server (Hypixel, Advanced, Minemen) as an example. Upvoted.
  9. zhurp

    what antiviruses vape v4 bypass?

    Vape V4 doesn't bypass any anti virus, just don't install any anti virusses.
  10. zhurp

    Vape V4 Injects into:

    No it doesn't inject into pvplounge, any other clients what it injects to guys?
  11. zhurp

    hellyeah it is

    hellyeah it is
  12. zhurp

    Injecting vape v4 to lunar

  13. zhurp

    Injecting vape v4 to lunar

    I used to use Badlion Client but i currently use LabyMod 1.8.9.
  14. zhurp

    Vape V4 best client ever

    Vape V4 best client ever
  15. zhurp

    Injecting vape v4 to lunar

    I never tested out RiseClient myself, heard it from multiple youtubers
  16. zhurp

    Injecting vape v4 to lunar

    Vape V4 used to be injectable in Lunar Client but they patched it, sadly.
  17. zhurp

    Injecting vape v4 to lunar

    You can inject it into: Badlion, Default Minecraft, Forge 1.7.10 / 1.8.9 / 1.12, RiseClient and Optifine.
  18. zhurp

    Injecting vape v4 to lunar

    Its not
  19. zhurp

    Vape V4 Injects into:

    Also regular minecraft and optifine