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  1. N____NODAB____N

    Can Watchdog detect Freecam and Reach/Hitbox

    I use reach 4.0 and hitbox 0.1 Can watchdog detect Freecam?
  2. N____NODAB____N

    2D esp no work

    toggle esp and change it to 2D and enjoy no work
  3. N____NODAB____N


    I mean I already changed into old already and cant find that menu
  4. N____NODAB____N


    How can I change the gui to new one to old after changing the gui?
  5. N____NODAB____N

    How can I reset my settings

    I synced the setting with the old gui. I cant find any ways
  6. N____NODAB____N

    How can I reset my settings

    I turned on blatant mod yesterday But It is always turned on. How can I reset My settings?
  7. N____NODAB____N

    What type of criticals bypasses hypixel

    Really, PACKET no that is not right. You should use the anticheat module
  8. N____NODAB____N

    Add speedmine to VapeV4.

    Just use powerX or novoline if you want to fastbreak and xray in uhc.
  9. N____NODAB____N

    Rate My Settings Pleasse - Hypixel (All Modes) 150-200ms [VAPE LITE]

    I use 4.5 block reach at 200~300ms and no ban for 4 months
  10. N____NODAB____N

    please Add Speed and zoomfly for hypixel.

    Not working lmao
  11. N____NODAB____N

    please Add Speed and zoomfly for hypixel.

    Please add zoomfly and speed(bhop)for hypixel. Speed has too much lagbacks and fly doesn't work properly. It should be option for hypixel not anticheat a anticheat b bhop like this Other clients have fly and scaffold working on hypixel well and vape doesnt.