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    Badlion 1.7

    My vape v4 wont inject in to blc 1.7.10 it works for 1.8.9 tho
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    I got banned using sprint combat module bruh
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    Is clicking 10-12 over an autoclicker less detectable then holding it down?
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    mmc lunar

    is w tap 950 to 1000 delay , and auto pot over 100 delay detectable on mmc and lunar. what is good autoclicker setting for these servers
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    Fast consume blatant

    is fast consume at 2 ticks detectable on Hypixel? should i use it?
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    Rod aimbot

    PLSPLSPLS add Rodaimbot to vape V4 i need for build UHC thanks
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    Will 3.5~3.6 with .1 hitbox get me watchdog banned?
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    80% velocity

    Is 80% horizontal with 100 chance safe on hypixel
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    Velocity chance

    What does velocity chance do? And is lower better than higher?
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    So I've been grinding duels recently and some guy is spinning around me mid fight. It happened like 3 times but nothing happened. Am I being watchdoged?
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    Right autoclick

    I use ligit scaffold and 16-20 r cps for speed bridging is that detectable in hypixel skywars?
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    Vape is so good I was stuck in rookie and now I'm masters in 2 days. 1000+wins. Thx
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    Block hit

    With blockhit module turned on am I suppose to hold down left and right mouse button at the same time? Or click left every time I wana block. And is bloclhitting using vape detectable in hypixel?
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    My settings

    Hypixel duel Ping 16ms Ac 10-14 Reach 3.2-3.3 Velocity 90 100 90 Hitbox (only against good players) 0.1 What do you think any suggestions