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  1. Trensin

    Mod that hides your Username

    Is there a Forge 1.8.9 mod that can hide your username and change it to anything you want? Sort of like Lunar Client's nickhider. I'm trying to find something like this for when I'm recording and I don't want people to see the real username of the account I'm using. I tried using Sk1er's...
  2. Trensin

    Do not get Ploow Client

    I bought Ploow client as it injected into Lunar and it's cheap. A few days after use I realised that I no longer had access to the client, so I messaged the creator about it. Apparently I had opened Process Hacker whilst running the client so it was flagged for suspicious activity. The creator...
  3. Trensin

    Can you use alts on Vape?

    Hi, I was just wondering if you can use alts when injecting Vape. Does the client lock accounts if the username is different or does it lock accounts if the account is being used on multiple IP addresses? Thanks
  4. Trensin

    Vape v4 Injects into LabyMod

    I just found out that Vape v4 can inject into LabyMod. I guess it's the client that's closest to Forge.
  5. Trensin

    How do you get your Vape account locked?

    Hi, I was just wondering what triggers Vape to lock your account. I've heard many people say that if you attempt to inject vape on a different computer, Vape will think you are sharing the file, so it'll lock your account. But I have always thought Vape looked at what Minecraft account is...