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  1. C

    Vape Lite Minor Suggestions

    Hello, Vape Lite is a really great cheat and I enjoy using it, however I believe that there are some things that should be implemented. 1. W-tap range under 3.0 blocks. While Vape's w-tap will never be as good as legit w-tapping, it still makes sense. 2. Bind for self destruct. I would really...
  2. C

    Vape Lite Suggestion

    Add a key bind for self destruct, it would be useful for multiple scenarios. There's a thing with Vape lite where if you use aim assist one someone while autoclicking, and then move away from them but while still autoclicking aim assist will continue to work. So if you just hold down your mouse...
  3. C

    My MMC Settings

    This will *never* get you AGC banned. I've tested this out for quite some time, and apart from being false manual banned to false logs, I was just fine. The false logs issue was fixed by the way. Autoclicker: 7-13 AimAssist: Click Aim: Yes Vertical: No Teams: Yes Invisibles: No Horizontal...