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  1. Malthize

    black screen vape

    black screen over 2month sometimes its black screen like this (all packs, all client)
  2. Malthize

    Hypixel Timer

    Is 1.07 timer safe for hypixel and can i turn it all the time or toggle it?
  3. Malthize


    i can't use my render idk why the tracer doesn't show me and etc
  4. Malthize

    can u make the hud rainbow in vapev4?!?!

  5. Malthize


    Is using "Remove AntiBot" recommended because i just got banned when hitting a watchdog.
  6. Malthize

    Vape V4 On Syuu

    So recently i got banned on syuu settings:3.2 reach,0.15 hitbox 9-14 cps sprint ? what's the good setting