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  1. scfd

    Xray for hypixel uhc

    Is there anyway to get the xray to work on hypixel?? I can only use cave mode because otherwise it shows a million ores that are fake and diamonds never show up. It is really annoying as I had thought that vape was able to do that. PLS HELP
  2. scfd

    Hacks for UHC hypixel

    Anyway someone can list the most undetectable hacks that I can use when playing UHC. Im talking abt low settings for Kill aura and any others that would help me dominate without being banned. ty in advance.
  3. scfd

    INV walk and undetectable killaura settings

    Is there any form of inventory walk that vape offers? Also can someone comment on this thread giving me the best killaura settings that will 100% not get you detected by watchdog in hypixel. Thanks.
  4. scfd

    Hypixel Xray for UHC

    So idk if this is anti cheat which it probably is but is there a way for xray to see more than just iron and gold and that too in large quantities. Very rarely does it show irons and gold but It will almost never show other ores such as diamonds, lapis, redstone, etc... I was just wondering if...
  5. scfd

    Everytime I exit VAPE It resets all the settings I had set. Is there a way to keep them?

    everytime I exit vape client it resets all the settings that I had set before. It is extremely annoying and I have no idea how to fix it. PLS HELP
  6. scfd

    Xray NOT working in Hypixel

    I just downloaded VApe V4 and I want to know the best settings for xray, so far for me nothing is working. None of the ores are outlined, very few ores are showing up for me, and at the beginning of hypixel uhc games there are like 1 million ores covering my screen because of the anti cheat. I...
  7. scfd

    Vape V4 isnt letting me use Blatant

    SO I just installed Vape V4 and it is showing that I don't have access to the blatant mode even though I have Vape V4. Any help?