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  1. Carterace8

    Add YubiKey support

    You have to think that a yubikey is about 55$ and most people don’t have them. Nobody would really buy one with the intent to account share because they could just get another copy of vape for about the same price then they would both be able to play at the same time.
  2. Carterace8

    Add YubiKey support

    No, Aimjunkies does something similar so you can use the cheat at LAN parties, etc; stuff where you can’t use your pc. Sure you could give your key to a friend but you will still only be able to use one instance of vape at a time.
  3. Carterace8

    Add YubiKey support

    Not really because there would only be one physical key that your account would bind to
  4. Carterace8

    Add YubiKey support

    I think it would be cool to use vape on different computers whenever you had your yubikey on you as an Authenticator.
  5. Carterace8

    Vape lite with Lunar?

    I am also pretty sure if you try to turn esp on it crashes. At least that happens to me.
  6. Carterace8


    Josh let’s be honest. You are the clown in the community, nobody who is respected in the community likes you. This is also why you just got kicked from the r/screensharing discord lol
  7. Carterace8


    Why on earth did you buy echo?
  8. Carterace8


    Get josh off the fourms, he is a clown
  9. Carterace8


  10. Carterace8


    Yeah I am 90% sure Josh’s tool isn’t great and most definitely won’t accurately or consistently detect vape lite if any premium cheat. Sorry to lay down the truth josh. Don’t ddos me pls.