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  1. bhopinpit

    vape alt manager

    how do i open the vape alt manager
  2. bhopinpit

    [UPDATED GUIDE] Hypixel Detections

    auto fish dose ban depending on the delay but it dose flag
  3. bhopinpit


    tbh vape needs a update for newer versions along with new features to support the new versions
  4. bhopinpit

    vape v4 alt manager

    how do i open the vape v4 alt manager i have opened it before but was not paying any attention to what buttons i pressed
  5. bhopinpit

    pls i want winner!!1!11

  6. bhopinpit


    dose vape v4 have a target feature so i can use aim assist or kill aura to target a certan player?
  7. bhopinpit

    New Vape?

    ur slow they just keep adding shit to v4 for now
  8. bhopinpit

    How dose phase work

    ive tride that befor and i didint work not even to go thru fence gates on vape v4
  9. bhopinpit

    How dose phase work

    how dose phase work on v4?
  10. bhopinpit

    can me and someone in my house on different pcs use the same vape account and use vape lite?

    honestly constly changeing the hwid would prob make methane check in to it and it might result in ur acc getting locked ngl
  11. bhopinpit

    Badlion Client 1.8.9

    have you tried it recently as in today or yesterday? and is there any setting like expermental or a way to take out the thing that blocks in the inkection in to lunar? in the files
  12. bhopinpit


    now i am not verry familiar with how the injecting works with clients but something ive been wondering is why v4 struggles so much with injecting in to anything besides vanilla and forge like if shitty clients like koid can inject in to everything why cant the methane devs to the same thing?
  13. bhopinpit

    Badlion Client 1.8.9

    lunar had a update recently and that dose not work any more untill v4 has a update
  14. bhopinpit

    why killaura didn't work?

    ur bad
  15. bhopinpit

    Buying Vape

    yiu can buy it and use it rn but new versions and new featres are all ways ind evelopment
  16. bhopinpit

    Invisible players

    use esp with show invisibles on and maby chams
  17. bhopinpit

    vape v4

    is there a way to inject it still?
  18. bhopinpit

    vape v4

    how do i inject vape v4 in to blc ik i used to be able to do it what happend?
  19. bhopinpit

    found the sigma rat

    how long has sigma been a rat?