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  1. R

    Is ZIBLACKINGGGS NoHitDelay mod detectable?

    Yoo I recently watched Ziblackingggs newest video titled NoHitDelay mod and im sure many of you have seen it. It's basically what lunar and badlion used before and Pedobrous exposed lunar and they removed it. Im probably going to use it but I asked my friend and he said that he got banned using...
  2. R

    What Velocity for Hypixel (300ms)

    Hey I would like some semi blatant velocity settings that won't get me banned on Hypixel duels and I can get high winstreaks with. I use 3.4 to 3.7 reach and 10-14 autoclicker. I want to use only horizontal and I was thinking like 75% or higher. Please tell me what will get me banned and what...