Search results

  1. N

    closet cheat for Mac?

    Title. also, is there any chance vape can be used in Mac? I know it said is not compatible, but will it in the future?
  2. N

    is vape exe file?

    I really hope not, because I'm using a Mac which can't run exe file
  3. N

    Will these settings get me banned on hypixel?

    Aimassist: click aim, aim while on target, check block break speed 5.0, max angle 70(my fov) distance 4.4 Autoclicker: Block hit, break block left cps 10-14 Reach: vertical check 3.6-3.7 sprint Fastplace delay 1.0 Killaura: attack per second 9-12 switch delay 450 swing range 4.3 attack range 3.5...
  4. N

    strafe setting?

  5. N

    Using "Aim while on target" off on MMC

    mmc have like the best anticheat so use reach 3.0-3.1 and auto clicker only
  6. N

    legit setting of strafe?

  7. N

    what keystrokes mod Is recommended for auto clicker?

    title just keystrokesmods that shows actual clicking instead of holding it
  8. N

    is fastblace dectecble on Hypixel?

    title if it is not detectable, why not? because it is literally rmb ac but more blatant, because you stay at a specific cps, for example, original Minecraft rmb hold down is 5 cps (through 5zig mod), and if I set the setting to 0.0, it is 20 cps (display in 5zig mod), and that is just auto...
  9. N

    what does timer do

    what is the advantage of that, also what thing gets faster
  10. N

    what does timer do

    it saids modified the game timer but, what situation will you actually need to change game time? like what is the advantage of it
  11. N

    Ac bypassed keystrokes?

    Title, Every keystroke I tried show held-down mouse button
  12. N

    how to put mods in Badlion

    title, so that I can actually uses Badlion and vape at the same time
  13. N

    Block-in marco

    Press a key to automatically surround yourself legit
  14. N


    if I want to record ill turn on misplace ofc but, should I use disadvantage? because I have no idea what is that