Search results

  1. Zarko

    Help with hypixel settings

    It was velocity, I know for a fact watchdog can detect it. I've been banned 3 times because of it. I simply don't use it anymore.
  2. Zarko

    Auto Totem

    I'd love to play on 1.8.9 sadly it's ancient and because of that age not all servers support it. Even 1.12.2 is becoming un-supported. I understand not everything from the new updates can be supported in a Pure PVP client (Entity speed, Elytra fly, New Chunks, etc) but I feel Auto Totem is...
  3. Zarko

    Auto Totem

    I searched it, didn't come up with any results on the fourm, so hopefully the dev's haven't said anything about it. I feel this would be a blatant feature. Totems have been in the game for 4 years. This should have been a feature a long time ago.