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  1. Hifi821


    Nametags suggestion Can u add saturation effect to show o name tags?
  2. Hifi821

    Legit alt shop with UFA stock

    Yep but ufa's are usually for 11$ max and if u are lucky u can get for 1,5$
  3. Hifi821

    Legit alt shop with UFA stock

    Still its not cheap
  4. Hifi821

    Best Hypixel Alts restocked now, look description!

    wtf U are promoting ur alts shop on vape forum where u have vape account's for sale which is against tos lmao
  5. Hifi821

    Legit alt shop with UFA stock

    17$ lmao this is just little bit lower than orginal mc
  6. Hifi821

    Blazingpack (

    To zrob to i mi to pokaz bez wyrwania bl
  7. Hifi821

    Does anyone have an alt that has pretty good stats on hypixel I can use?

    Are u seriously joining forum to ask people for free alts lmao
  8. Hifi821

    Blazingpack (

    i dont usually play bp but, bp in poland is fcking king. If there's no bp the all of Polish servers will be dead
  9. Hifi821


    I mean the altening is popular i think and idk if they gonna scam but remember 1. Its only 3$ for 2 ufa's 2. You can purshare via Paypal So i think im gonna take the risk
  10. Hifi821

    Blazingpack (

    nice try polaczku nie zinjectujesz vape'a na bp Blazing pack is anti cheat client that comes from Poland and imo it will be difficult to inject vape to this client
  11. Hifi821


    Hello I have some questions So first one is: Which acc is better for main UFA or MFA 2. Is thealtening UFA legit? 3.Where i can get UFA or MFA (If both are made for main acc) for lowest price?
  12. Hifi821

    Nametags video

    Can i do it in ge force experience?
  13. Hifi821

    Nametags video

    Hello is it possible to do anti obs or something like anti video, anti geforce experiene etc? This option will make nametags, chams or storage esp (and other visuals) invisible on a vid I'm asking because option like this is already in (for example) cheats to cs:go
  14. Hifi821

    csgo cheats help

    Legit-Iniuria Rage-Skeet/Aimware/Fatality semilegit-Aimware/Skeet
  15. Hifi821

    Vape v3 detection

    Yo U always say that vape v3 isn't made for ss So how to detect it?
  16. Hifi821

    Legit shop?

    You are annoying :)
  17. Hifi821

    Legit shop? Yo is he legit? I wanna buy 100 sfa but idk will they work and how long will they work
  18. Hifi821

    Alts to blatant cheat

    Yep i bought those alts and some have ban at hypixel or have security alerts
  19. Hifi821

    Some hypixel questions + Request

    Hello i have one question In hypixel all modes have the same ac? If yes can anyone make for me cfg thats blatant to maximum but bypass watchdog and make me can be banned only from staff (fly longjump criticals akb speed nofall antifall aura etc just all options) If no i need thing that i write...
  20. Hifi821

    Alts to blatant cheat

    And all of (for example) 112 alts work on all servers?