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  1. M

    Are these settings detectable by Watchdog and how hard is it for other players to detect it?

    3.4 is obvious with 10 - 20 ping. I have around a 130 ping and 3.2 3.4 is doing just fine for me
  2. M

    dumb question.

    Thank you, thats what i was wondering. If it is only width my reach wont be longer when straightlining.
  3. M

    Are these settings detectable by Watchdog and how hard is it for other players to detect it?

    I think your reach is a bit too high for your ping. Both your autoclicker and aim assist seem to be fine. velocity is undetectable by both a normal player and watchdog. but staff can actually check for it. So if you ever get witchhunted just turn it off. Your right click autoclicker can be as...
  4. M

    Whats the best closet settings for duels on hypixel?

    coaxium is a very trustworthy person and i have been using his settings for over 6 years now. (he made a huzuni config too) I would recommend these settings for the hypixel network. If you do not like using vape v3 you should try vape v2.
  5. M

    Uhc Closet settings.

    Good idea. The normal profile has 3 main things 3.2 -3.4 reach Autoclicker 10-15 with the least amount of bullshit Hitboxes 0.06 And optional aimassist. These things all bypass and wont get you staff banned. The autoblock profile is basically a profile you should bind to. It contains a...
  6. M

    HYPIXEL Blatant Settings FOR UHC

    nvm you didnt ask me lmao
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    HYPIXEL Blatant Settings FOR UHC

  8. M

    HYPIXEL Blatant Settings FOR UHC

    Tbh ur swing range is a little too low and if your gonna be that blatant just put some velocity on aswell.
  9. M

    So this client doesn't work for macs at all ?

    Oh i necroposted
  10. M

    So this client doesn't work for macs at all ?

    Tbh clans players are good. Its different to the rest of the mp players
  11. M

    Anti Obby For non-blatant mode vape v4

    It lets you mine out under the obsidian block. But you can use freecam just fine.
  12. M

    Uhc Closet settings.

    These are some hypixel uhc closet settings Make sure when you find a bhopper to switch over from the UHC profile to the Autoblock profile I hereby give you. UHC: c743fa82-fe95-4423-a0e7-6c620a9f981e Autoblock: c44bd2eb-5e1a-417a-bcdf-68ce9c72a133
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    Killaura for mobs?

    Its a glitch actually, i reported it and it got comfirmed, not sure if its fixed yet, but for now enable neutral mobs aswell. that will fix the issue
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    why not on ur main this isnt so blatant, also what changes the fact that its on blc?
  15. M

    Trading for Vape v4

    vicky do u play uhc
  16. M

    Best settings for legit (no auto click)

    I have glock clicker but i cant find the clicksounds part
  17. M

    I need settings for Hypixel.

    Keepsprint is obvious for moderaters but they only really spectate when a youtuber tries to witch hunt you.
  18. M

    [Suggestion] Add Reset Profile to Vape V4

    Tell me more I fucked mine up aswell
  19. M

    might sound stupid but

    ur using a vpn turn it off