Recent content by x3Golden

  1. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    or just use 3.5 reach since people dont pick up on reach when spectating on hypixel.
  2. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    現在我有冰淇淋 我很喜歡冰淇淋 但是 《速度與激情9》 比冰淇淋 《速度與激-》 《速度與激情9》 我最喜歡 所以現在是 音樂時間 準備 一 二 三 兩個禮拜以後 《速度與激情9》 兩個禮拜以後 《速度與激情9》 兩個禮拜以後 《速度與激情9》 不要忘記 不要錯過 去電影院 看《速度與激情9》 因為非常好電影 動作非常好 差不多一樣「冰激淋」 再見 有趣的 約翰塞納表情包,但我知道你在說什麼。
  3. x3Golden

    Vape Lite is Vape v4 with less features, like a fancy restaurant you pay more to eat less...

    Vape Lite is Vape v4 with less features, like a fancy restaurant you pay more to eat less. :rolleyes:
  4. x3Golden

    damn Manthe reacted to your post gg

    damn Manthe reacted to your post gg
  5. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    how is he trippin?
  6. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    well now I do xd Kind of a "funny bully" youtube channel. A streamers worst nightmare type of channel.
  7. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    There it finally is, someone explaining that it's a youtube channel. I don't track minecraft yt channles like some people do so I could not have known without someone telling me that it is specifically a youtube channel. "r u braindead?" That remark was unnecessary.
  8. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    Dude I'm so confused.. Is hss a youtuber or just a person in the community, is it like a minecraft server? Zach and Hss are the same thing? EXPLAIN IN ENGLISH PLEASE!! XDDD
  9. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    that does not make any sense to me, why the 2 "ss" in hypixel? is it a vape member or the owner of hypixel? and is Zach a vape member or like a moderator/admin on hypixel?
  10. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    who is zach and what does hss mean?
  11. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

  12. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    Thanks for the explaination, I've just seen so many tards saying you will get banned by watchdog if you use high reach.
  13. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    Yeah sounds about right.
  14. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel

    thanks bby (69 msg lessgoo)
  15. x3Golden

    My Guide to Cheating on Hypixel
