Recent content by WinterSux

  1. WinterSux

    Any Good Closet Hypixel Settings?

    Reach: 3.0-3.15, only while sprinting ON Velocity: 100V 95H 90% chance, only while targeting ON AC: 8 -12 (extra randomisation on) AimAssist: any, only while targeting on
  2. WinterSux

    Do you like Night?

    Do you like night? I like it because it's like the darkmode of life.
  3. WinterSux

    What gets a vape account locked?

    Software Account Selling, or attempting to sell your Vape Client account. Sharing your Vape Client account with someone who has not purchased Vape Client. Creating fraudulent chargebacks. Attempting to circumvent technological measures, or "crack" the Vape Client software. Analysis of Vape...
  4. WinterSux


    If the screensharer has any knowledge whatsoever or uses a screenshare tool then your screwed, if they don't i'd say you have a decent chance of bypassing, if your planning on playing on servers that screenshare I would highly recommend picking up Vape Lite, especially with it's upcoming features!
  5. WinterSux

    Could I run v4 with WINE on Linux?

    The police have better things to do then arrest a 11 year old kid for using cracked windows
  6. WinterSux

    new features of .05 no longer works
  7. WinterSux

    Launch vape then activate your VPN

    Launch vape then activate your VPN
  8. WinterSux

    Input for MMC settings?

    no my dogs are spaniels.
  9. WinterSux

    Input for MMC settings?

    Don't use reach or velocity, and keep your autoclicker mid range
  10. WinterSux

    I can't use MantheClicker please give me some tutorials

    why not remove it then?
  11. WinterSux

    Vape Lite Internal GUI

    show us image