Recent content by White

  1. W

    Vape V3 - bug report = reward

    Brief description of the bug: Autoclicker bug (more like a "break blocks" option bug). When you're facing a block and toggling autoclicker, if hold the left click by itself. Mean you have to click again to debug it. I know it's not a major bug but it's still annoying, for example in Skywars when...
  2. W

    Hitbox options

    Hi, Can you please add different options to the "Hitbox" module so it doesn't expand animals/mobs hitbox. Also a "Team" option would be great, but I don't know if that's actually possible or not. I don't think that i'm the only one here to use Hitbox instead of Reach (or just both when I go...
  3. W

    Vape V3 - bug report = reward

    Brief description of the bug: Issue with the alias and "Force Alias" with the friend system. When you add someone, put a alias and if this player want to invite you to a Hypixel party, you wouldn't be able to accept. How to reproduce the bug: Add someone as friend, use a alias and tick "Force...
  4. W

    Vape V3 - bug report = reward

    Brief description of the bug: Chars limit is too low in the "Macro" Module. For example, if you want to make it do the /play teams_insane command, it wouldn't work because there are too much chars. How to reproduce the bug: N/A Video / screenshot of the bug: N/A
  5. W

    Vape V3 - bug report = reward

    Brief description of the bug: Sometimes you're still sneaking after legit scaffolding. How to reproduce the bug: Just crouch, enable scaffold, go to the edge of a block, disable scaffold. You're still sneaking. Video / screenshot of the bug: N/A
  6. W

    CsGo Cheat ?

    Fortnite is a BattlEye game
  7. W

    Vape v3 suggestions <3

    Manthe said like 2 months ago that he will make V3 compatible with 1.10.2 but all of you guys should stop asking for it
  8. W

    Vape V3 - Outline ESP mode

    The blatant mode is here for a reason so
  9. W

    Vape V3 - Outline ESP mode

    Hi, Is it possible to add this thing? It's useful because you can easily see what the player do (aiming with a bow, mining, sneaking and where he's looking). Thanks
  10. W


    V3 is compatible with the CheatBreakHUD v5 mod, use it instead of that there's a keystrokes and cps mod in it
  11. W

    Vape V3 in 1.10

    Someone told me it will but idk when
  12. W

    Vape Lite - FastPlace

    This is kinda stupid. I heard Vape Lite was made for HCF/1v1 servers (idk if it's true or not). I don't play HCF but I need Vape Lite because: - I like to play with forge mods while hacking. - It's hard to find a hack who is in the version who i'm playing. - I do screensharing. I don't know...
  13. W

    Vape Lite - FastPlace

    Hi, Can you please add this thing ? For me it's the only one thing Vape Lite need. I know most Lite users only play in 1v1 mode (i mean, potion or some shit, you don't need to place blocks here) but it's usefull for ppl who don't do or don't know how to right-jitterclick. I don't think it...
  14. W

    Vape For 1.9 ?

    "Yeah, but Vape Lite don't have module like Hitbox, FastPlace, Nametag, Tracer..." and I don't really need it because Funcraft staff can't do SS ( EULAS ) Seriously, why Manthe remove the 1.10 version ? For all users of Vape 1.10 buy Vape Lite ? It's insane lol