Recent content by Unicorn

  1. U

    vape client exposed

    Are you retarded? You can literally google what themida is and find out its software protection used to prevent cracks and reverse engineering.
  2. U

    Leaving / Quitting Forums + MC

    Good luck with life, you’re one of the few people on these forums that isn’t a psychopath so you should go far.
  3. U


    Hence me providing an alternative
  4. U

    Hits not registering?

    Yeah I’ve been compiling evidence to send to the German government.
  5. U

    fix hypixel lagback?

    They would need to fix the spaghetti code that their network is running on or remove 1/2 the games.
  6. U

    fix hypixel lagback?

    They won’t want to force everyone to move to 1.20, they’ll kill their player base.
  7. U


    Depends on if they block / commands. If not you can probably go through all the anticheats and see if the / command works for it. You can also try checking transactions.
  8. U

    Hits not registering?

    Yes he is well known for subverting hypixel players to convert them to gamester players so he gets better clips
  9. U

    Hits not registering?

    This is actually a psyop carried out by haze to get people to buy his clients you should use 4 block on hypixel.
  10. U


    You don’t understand what racism is if you’re calling me racist. I don’t believe that being Chinese makes you inferior. I believe being a communist makes you inferior.
  11. U


    If you’re not a commie stop defending commies.
  12. U


    Then stop being commies.
  13. U


    I’m being anti communist, there’s a difference.
  14. U


    Commie detected.
  15. U


    Most likely. Don’t forget you’re using a node hosted by someone you have no information on though.